The “Before” Party

Having purchased the house, I can now proceed to fix it.  But this is an opportunity to share my plans with family and friends before doing so and show them the raw material I am starting with.  So I invited them to a “Before” party.

I provided a floor plan and refreshments, and invited them to make suggestions.  They ranged from “It’s awesome, don’t change a thing”, to “gut it and start over”.   The most interesting suggestion was to fill the chimney with concrete to make a telescope pier to the ground for a rooftop observatory.  I also received a floor plan that included a billiard/arcade room along with rent-free space for a nephew in exchange for remodeling work.  With this range of possibilities, anything I do will be deemed reasonable!

Here are some pictures from the Before party.  I intended to get a shot of everyone who came, but as these things go, other discussions and distractions prevented it.  Perhaps for the better, as my pocket camera was set to suppress the flash, and as a result, the shots are “artistically blurry”.

Thanks to everyone who joined me with well-wishes and demolition tools.

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2 Responses to The “Before” Party

  1. Pingback: Demolition planning | This Odd House

  2. Pingback: One Year On: anticipating the “After” Party | This Odd House

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